
Links to Elkton Baptist Church sermons recorded in 2024 are listed below:

7/21/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "God speaks to people."
  • Text:  1 Sam. 3:1-10
  • Links: Video Audio

7/14/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "Don't let the devil sift you!"
  • Text:  Luke 22:24-34
  • Links: Video Audio

7/10/2024 Bible Study - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "Anxiety"
  • Text:  Phil. 4:6-8, Rom. 12:2, Psalm 119:30, Col. 3:1-4
  • Links: Video Audio

7/7/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "True freedom is from the Lord."
  • Text:  Col. 1:1-14
  • Links: Video Audio

6/30/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "True liberty is in Christ alone."
  • Text:  Luke 4:14-21
  • Links: Video Audio

6/26/2024 Daniel Bible Study - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "Book of Daniel Bible Study - Part 8 (Chapter 12)"
  • Text:  Daniel 12
  • Links: Video Audio

6/23/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "The Promised Rest"
  • Text:  Heb. 4
  • Links: Video Audio

6/16/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "The Good Samaritan"
  • Text:  Luke 10:25-37, 1 Cor. 2:16
  • Links: Video Audio

6/12/2024 Daniel Bible Study - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "Book of Daniel Bible Study - Part 7 (Chapters 10 and 11)"
  • Text:  Daniel 10 and 11
  • Links: Video Audio

6/9/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "What do we do with the gifts God has given us?"
  • Text:  1 Pet. 4:1-10
  • Links: Video Audio

6/5/2024 Daniel Bible Study - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "Book of Daniel Bible Study - Part 6 (Chapter 9)"
  • Text:  Daniel 9
  • Links: Video Audio

6/2/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "When the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth."
  • Text:  John 16:7-13
  • Links: Video Audio

5/29/2024 Daniel Bible Study - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "Book of Daniel Bible Study - Part 5 (Chapters 7 and 8)"
  • Text:  Daniel 7 and 8
  • Links: Video Audio

5/26/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "What mean ye by these stones?"
  • Text:  Josh. 4:1-6
  • Links: Video Audio

5/22/2024 Daniel Bible Study - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "Book of Daniel Bible Study - Part 4 (Chapters 5 and 6)"
  • Text:  Daniel 5 and 6
  • Links: Video Audio

5/19/2024 Sermon - Bro. Terry Nicodemus

  • Title:  "Victory in Jesus"
  • Text:  Isa. 25:1-8, 1 Cor. 15:50-58
  • Links: Video Audio

5/12/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "A Mother's Heart"
  • Text:  Ruth 1:1-16
  • Links: Video Audio

5/5/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "A still small voice"
  • Text:  1 Kings 18:21, 19:1-12
  • Links: Video Audio

5/1/2024 Daniel Bible Study - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "Book of Daniel Bible Study - Part 3 (Chapters 3 and 4)"
  • Text:  Daniel 3 and 4
  • Links: Video Audio

4/28/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "I Am Alpha and Omega."
  • Text:  Rev. 1:4-18
  • Links: Video Audio

4/24/2024 Daniel Bible Study - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "Book of Daniel Bible Study - Part 2 (Chapter 2)"
  • Text:  Daniel 2
  • Links: Video Audio

4/21/2024 Ghana Mission Trip Presentation - Bro. Terry Nicodemus

  • Video presentation of a mission trip Bro. Terry took to Ghana in 2019
  • Links: Video

4/14/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "Let us come boldly to the throne of grace."
  • Text:  Heb. 4:14-16
  • Links: Video Audio

4/10/2024 Daniel Bible Study - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "Book of Daniel Bible Study - Part 1 (Intro and Chapter 1)"
  • Text:  Daniel 1
  • Links: Video Audio

4/7/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "His blood was shed for many for the remission of sins."
  • Text:  Matt. 26:26-28
  • Links: Video Audio

3/31/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "This same Jesus"
  • Text:  Acts 1:1-11
  • Links: Video Audio

3/31/2024 Easter Sunrise Service Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "He's not here, for He is risen."
  • Text:  Matt. 28:1-6
  • Links: Video Audio

3/29/2024 Good Friday Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "By His stripes we are healed."
  • Text:  Rom. 5:12-17, 1 Pet. 2:24
  • Links: Video Audio

3/24/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities."
  • Text:  Isa. 53, 52:14
  • Links: Video Audio

3/17/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "This is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins."
  • Text:  Matt. 26:20-28
  • Links: Video Audio

3/10/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "The Triumphal Entry"
  • Text:  Rev. 19:11-16, John 12:1-8, Luke 19:29-40
  • Links: Video Audio

3/3/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "He stedfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem."
  • Text:  Luke 9:28-36, 51
  • Links: Video Audio

2/25/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "God does not change."
  • Text:  Mal. 3:6
  • Links: Video Audio

2/18/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
  • Text:  Rom. 5:1-8
  • Links: Video Audio

2/11/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "The Good Servant, Jesus Christ"
  • Text:  Phil. 2:5-11
  • Links: Video Audio

2/4/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "The Good Servant, Jesus Christ"
  • Text:  Phil. 2:5-11
  • Links: Video Audio

1/28/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works."
  • Text:  Eph. 2:1-14
  • Links: Video Audio

1/21/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "These are they which came out of great tribulation."
  • Text:  Rev. 7:1-14, Dan. 12:1
  • Links: Video Audio

1/7/2024 Sermon - Bro. Paul Cofer

  • Title:  "The Passover"
  • Text:  Ex. 12:1-13
  • Links: Video Audio